Hmm... Let's see.... what's in the box?! :)

Oooo! My cutie Hello Kitties (and Dear Daniels). Was looking for them for the past few days and mom finally found them - silly me, I packed them up in a box long time ago and forgotten about it. And there I went mumbling everyday, "Ngo Geh Hello Kitties leh?" (Where are my Hello Kitties?).

Uhmm... I actually remembered I had only 10 pairs of them (total of 20). The ones I took long hours to queue up for at Mc-D but then I discovered that there were actually 6 more little ones which I had absolutely forgotten about. Oh! Well, maybe my kitties gave birth to them. *HeHeHe*

Just for fun, I put them on my bed-head...

and my TV console ...

I don't think I will leave them this way after I moved in. Most likely will put them back into the box or maybe get a separate display shelf.

Next will be my mashimaros!

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