Lately I've been...

…listening a lot to I Am Kloot. The main purpose was to check out Sky At Night, but instead I’ve spent most of the time reacquainting myself with the superior Natural History.

…enjoying the new Bright Eyes track Shell Games. It’s free, it’s good and has rather unexpectedly made me look forward to his new album The People’s Key.

…thrilled to learn that Under Electric Light is about to release his debut album. Will be out in Japan (only) on Fastcut Records on February 16. Said to be released in Europe and North America as well some time later this spring.
Take Me Away by under electric light

…impatiently awaiting trustworthy news on when the Psychic Powers debut album Infinity will be released. A handful of nice tracks are free to grab from RCRD LBL.
+ Glide
+ Brighter

…listening to the forthcoming single of one of my favorite Danish band. I’m afraid that’s all I’m able to reveal at this moment except perhaps that it’s a very Blur-inspired thing.

…checking out the new Secret Shine album The Beginning And The End. Been ages since I’ve listened to some proper shoegaze!
+ No More Inside

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