Today I'll...

...drink loads of coffee to help me stay awake. my best to get some work done.

...give The King of Limbs another listen. As tweeted by MP3Hugger yesterday: “Wish Radiohead would drop being interesting in favour of writing decent tunes. They are quickly becoming not worth the effort.” I’ll see the light someday I hope, but after two listens the album is as interesting as (insert whatever boring stuff you can think of).

...listen to the In Soviet Russia, My Heart Breaks You album by Brooklyn indie-pop act Overlord at least twice. The two songs included in the “mixtapes” this past weekend are simply brilliant and of course I cross fingers hoping that the rest of the album is just as good.
+ Oh, My Mechanical Heart!
+ Keep It from the Baby

...listen to the single My Way by new act The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to learn if it as great as some people say it is. Free download here. a few times knowing that The Boombox Hearts have fallen in love with one of last year’s best songs; Open Season by High Highs.
+ Open Season

...continue to wait for the download link at Burlesque Records to start functioning, so I can download the label’s first release; The Refractory Period EP by The Sexual Outlaws. Yet another band featured in one of those weekend "mixtapes".
+ Xes

...check out brand new Danish band Dead Lovers.


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