Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons

Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons
Team operation created this fully functional Operation BMW Art Car for their race at 24 Lemons.
All the parts are located inside the hood of this 1991 318i and held in place with heavy duty Velcro. All this to prevent bottles and other objects from flying through the air at 90 mph, but does make the removal of parts more challenging, though by no means impossible.

Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons

Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons
Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons
Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons
Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons
Operate While Racing - Operation BMW Art Car at 24 Lemons

Via MurileeMartin

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