
The number of SXSW related mails in my mailbox has now reached 495. The whole world is in Austin; I’m not (insert pouting smiley).

My small quest to actually listen to the 1,001 albums you must hear before you die continues, and the train ride yesterday (to Roskilde; back and forth) was sweetened by Low-Life, Marquee Moon, Everything Must Go and The Queen Is Dead. Have lost count already, but at least another 970 albums left to explore!

Stream new track Must Be The One by She Wants Revenge. Not sure what to think of it as I prefer the darker sound on previous track Take The World rather than this U2 inspired stadium-rock sound. Taken from forthcoming album Valleyheart which hits the streets on May 24.
Must Be The One by She Wants Revenge

Feel free to insert another pouting smiley if you like. As happy I am to learn that Days are still around, I'm equally frustrated to learn that the band's next (only?) performance will be at NYC Popfest in May. Check the line-up and start drooling. How I wish I was going!
+ Simple Thing
+ Downhill

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