A Month of Unrequited Love...

On Sunday May 1 Michael Møller of moi Caprice will launch the first part of his new solo project A Month of Unrequited Love; a collection of 31 songs that will be released one song per day during May. His first solo album Every Streetcar's Got a Name - An album about sex and desire was (and still is) one of my favorite albums so obviously it will be more than interesting to see how this ambitious project pans out! As I wrote about the debut a long time ago; the sincere lyrics were about “love, sex, desire, betrayal, infidelity, needs, painful memories and a little more sex”, and even though Mr. Møller (more or less) promises than the new songs won’t be as depressing as the project title could perhaps indicate, it’s rather difficult not to expect that the lyrics (to some extend at least) will once again circle around the aforementioned topics. Check the official and very informative webpage for songs (coming soon), concert dates, donation etc.
+ Tennessee (from Every Streetcar’s…)
+ All the Girls I Lost in the Fires (from Every Streetcar’s…)

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