Layered Architecture Solution Guidance

I have finally found the time to blog about my new pet-project, Layered Architecture Solution Guidance (LASG). It is a simple Visual Studio extension (or more precisely, Guidance Automation Extension) that allows developers who are new to Layered Architecture to easily create the project structure for their layered applications.

How all this started was due to one fine weekend when one of my developers messaged me to ask me about the steps to "add references" between the layered projects. It has been one of those requests that I received quite frequently from other people as well because I have to admit ... the number of projects in a layered application can be quite overwhelming. :(

Still clad in my pyjamas, I fired up Visual Studio 2010 and start cranking out a solution. I had always wanted to explore GAX and this gave me a good opportunity. After playing with it for half-a-day, I finally have something reasonable produced. That evolved over the course of 3 weeks and now we have LASG (my boss calls it Lasagna *HeHe*).

Here's a screenshot of what you will get after you installed it.

It will provide you with a list of choices to create all sorts of layered applications and the following is a screenshot of what it will create...

This is an example of a Layered Web Application. Depending of what you chose earlier, the list of projects will be different. If you carefully study the projects, their references have been properly wired so that you can have a fully compilable solution from the start. *Pretty nice right?* *Hehe*

So if you wanna accelerate your layered application development, do check out this tool. You can download it directly from the Visual Studio gallery or the codeplex site. Tell me what you think ya...

Note: If you noticed the word "Lite" behind, there is a story behind it but that will be a story told on another day :p

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