Haynes branches out from car repair books, and has one for the Millenium Falcon!

you can see these excerpts and a couple more in the free PDF of a couple pages at http://images.bookdepository.co.uk/assets/images/content/blogs/1319544205/Haynes-Millennium-Falcon_extract.pdf

The variety of things you learn of depends on how much you sample the variety of life. I would never have learned of this if I hadn't went to Comic Con

from a book review on http://roqoodepot.com/2012/01/31/book-review-the-haynes-millennium-falcon-owners-workshop-manual/ :

expecting page after page of cutaway diagrams and disassembly/repair instructions. While that would have been wonderful, I was treated to something even better. The Falcon Workshop Manual is far more than just your father’s old Haynes repair guide. It’s a beautifully written and illustrated history of the Millennium Falcon and the Corellian Engineering YT line of freighters.
I’m a pretty big ship junkie when it comes to Star Wars. I’ve spent hours in Wookieepedia scouring over the various history sections for everything from A-Wings to Z-95 Headhunters. It’s simply impossible for me to soak up enough back-story about these ships, so when this book landed on my lap I was overjoyed. It’s anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the Millennium Falcon, from its origins and serial number to her current owner
here’s a wealth of schematics and detailed subsystem information to sink your teeth into. Have you ever wondered just what kind of modifications Han’s made to the Falcon over the years? What are all of those buttons on the flight console anyways? Just what makes it possible for that old bird to make the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs? The answers are here in this book.

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