
"Eh! Serena, I don't think you can go home as usual today."
"Errr.... Why?"
"You go take a look at the traffic."

*Wah-Lau-Eh* Five-lane traffic jam in-front of my office leh. *Grrr* Logged-on to MSN to look for my car-pool kaki, thinking of asking her to take dinner together today before heading home.

"She already gone home before 5:00 pm"

*WHaT?!* Why so bad wan? All, my colleagues leaving one-by-one liow. Why they can leave? Cos they take LRT mah, somemore some stay so near. Lemme check the traffic. *WaH-Seh!* Eight-lane traffic jam now! I didn't know we have such a wide road. Should have taken my chances with the five-lane earlier ler.

So, apa boleh buat sekarang (what can I do now)? Makan roti lor. (Eat my sandwich). Typed this entry while waiting for the jam to clear. This is the first time I stayed up so late. A bit scared. *Gulp*

Ok lah, now the jam reduced to three lane already. I will take my chances.

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