Layered Architecture Sample for Azure

Last night, I have released an early preview of Layered Architecture Sample for Azure. I basically took LayerSample 4.0 and port it over to Windows Azure. The effort was much lesser than I expected and this time, workflow persistence works on SQL Azure!

I ported the ASP.NET web application to a Web Role and the Web Host into a WCF Web Role. Practically, if I am only running a web application, I would have combined all the layers into a single role to save cost but because I would like to demonstrate how on-premise desktop clients can make use of the cloud service, I had split the application into two roles.

Looking into cloud architectures is interesting. I would think that this sample is very much applicable only to applications that are designed with proper layering from the start or for developers who are embarking on a new cloud project (Greenfield). Many of our existing applications (Brownfield) which may not be properly layered, may not be able to survive a port like that with so little modifications.

I will be looking into WCF Roles and the Azure AppFabric Service Bus next to see if I can optimize the current architecture and also to demonstrate a more realistic hybrid (on-premise/cloud) scenario for today's existing applications.

At the mean time, I hope the sample is useful to those who are starting to develop applications on Windows Azure. You do not actually need to have a Windows Azure account to test the sample as it can run correctly on the Development Fabric.

Drop me a comment if you have any thoughts to share. :)

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