Today I'll... guessed it! Drink loads of coffee and try to get some work done! Yada yada yada – time to come up with something new dude! the (entire) new The William Blakes album Music Wants To Be Free from Soundcloud. Expect it to sound nothing like the previous three albums by the band.
Wasted Years by The William Blakes

…listen (already have) to new track Hollywood by The Oxygen Ponies a number of times. A real grower!
 Hollywood by The Oxygen Ponies

...impatiently be waiting for the new Entakt video for Størrelse 43 (size 43) to be published.

...spend some time scratching my head while trying to figure out why people are so high on the new albums by Radiohead and Bright Eyes. Both albums have their moments (I have no problems admitting that), but most of the time I felt like I was wasting my time.

...listen to the forthcoming self-titled Oh Land album.
We Turn It Up by Oh Land


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