Go For Gold...

The recently recorded and yet untitled debut EP by new Danish 5-piece Go For Gold is now streaming at Soundcloud. In their own words they've tried to create their own sound while being "..in love with noisy guitars, tambourines, distant pianos and no-bullshit drums surrounding catchy tunes" and influenced by just about everything and everyone from Kent to My Bloody Valentine. Obviously that's a very bold statement, but at the same time it's a rather intriguing one as well. So far I've liked everything I've heard from the band, but why not stream the EP below and decide for yourself whether or not Go For Gold manages to live up to their own ambitions? The band promises that the EP will be available as a free download very soon, so you definitely should keep your eyes out for that! Band photo by Nicolai Kofod Larsen.

EP by Go for Gold

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